Machu Picchu
442 Jackson Avenue
504-561-9050, phone
504-561-9060, fax
Website: www.machupicchutours.com
About to go cruising?
We can help you save time and money in a choice of ways.
Flying in? We pick-up at airport and deliver you safely and comfortably to your hotel. Then from hotel to Cruise Terminal for sailing time. After cruise, we pick-up at ship and deliver you to hotel and/or airport.
Driving In? We offer convenient sheltered parking and shuttle you free to and from the cruise ship terminal entrance with your luggage. Only $12.00 per day. We are only five minutes away from the terminal.
Parking Management Services
901 Convention Center Boulevard
865-366-7014, phone
Fulton Place Parking Garage is located only 1 block from the cruise port. Complimentary roundtrip shuttles every 10 minutes, 8 brand new shuttles for you comfort.
$8 Rooftop parking
$11 Covered parking
The Port of New Orleans
504-528-3318, phone
504-528-3460, fax
Parking for Erato St. Cruise Terminal
Go directly to the Erato Parking Garage entrance. On the first floor of the garage (3rd floor of the terminal building) you will be directed to the offloading area in the middle of the floor. SeaCaps will take your checked baggage and deliver them directly to the ship. After parking, you will take Elevators # 3, 4 or 5 to the second floor check in and waiting area. Parking cost $18 per day effective September 1, 2015. Please have your cruise ticket available as you will need to show them to enter the garage. Maximum height is 8' 4" (limited space) on 3rd floor and 7' 6" on higher floors, and maximum 22 feet in length. Garage is secure, lighted and patrolled.
Parking for Julia St. Cruise Terminal
Once entering Port of New Orleans Place, proceed past the Erato Street Terminal to Julia Street. There you will be directed to the Julia St Terminal drop-off area where you will be assisted with your luggage by Seacaps. You will then be directed down Julia St. where you will take a right turn onto the Service Roadway into the "Whale Lot." Parking costs per day. Before leaving your car make sure that you have both parking tickets accounted for because they will be needed on the way out of the facility. A shuttle is provided back to the terminal if needed. Parking lot is secured, lighted and patrolled.
Oversized Vehicles, RV's and Buses Oversized vehicles may use the Poydras St. Parking lot which is adjacent to the Julia St. Cruise Terminal. Utilize the same directions as to Erato/Julia terminals. Offload all luggage at the appropriate terminal (Erato for Carnival and Julia for Norwegian and Royal Caribbean). After offloading all luggage and passengers, the driver should proceed past the Erato and Julia terminals and turn right into the Poydras St. Parking Lot. There will be a shuttle available to bring you back to Erato St. (You can walk to the Julia Terminal). Parking for oversized vehicles is $36 per day. Please call ahead for space. 504-528-3318. Ask for Ms. Sharon Reames. Lot is secure, lighted and patrolled.
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